Tuesday 1 July 2008

Silver Mountain

Silver Mountain   
Artist: Silver Mountain

   Metal: Heavy


Breakin' Chains   
 Breakin' Chains

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 14

Roses and Champagne   
 Roses and Champagne

   Year: 1988   
Tracks: 9


   Year: 1984   
Tracks: 8

Often overlooked in the evolutionary process of what would fare to be known as neoclassic lowering metal, Sweden's Silver Mountain ar one of the large Scandinavian cult bands of the eighties. Named for the famed birdsong by Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow, Silver Mountain was first assembled in 1978 by vocalist/guitarist Jonas Hansson, guitar player Morgan Alm, bassist Ingemar Stenquist and drummer Marten Hedener; but this lineup would be short-lived, splintering afterwards cathartic but one unsuccessful single called "Man of No Present Existence" the next class. Numerous local musicians sifted through their ranks after that (including, it is said, succeeding guitar hero Yngwie Malmsteen), and it wasn't until late 1982 that a new criminal record handle was at long last smitten with latterly launched Dutch independent label Roadrunner Records. By then, a semi-stable quartet consisting of Hansson, bassist Per Stadin, keyboardist Jens Johansson and his drummer sibling Anders Johansson, had been playacting together for nearly two years, and the resulting chemistry was clearly revealed by the band's 1983 album, the at present underground classical Shakin' Brains. Effectively re-igniting the combustible spousal relationship of alloy and greco-Roman music where their original inspiration, Rainbow, had slacked off, Silver Mountain's debut received rave reviews in to the highest degree overweight metallic element magazines and promised great things to come. Even when Jens and Anders Johansson on the spur of the moment decamped to get together Malmsteen's nascent solo band the following year (ironically sufficiency, they helped him legal more than like Silver Mountain than whatever of his late exploits), Hansson and Stadin but rehired original drummer Hedener and, in a more surprising act, drafted a full-time isaac Merrit Singer and frontman in Christer Mentzer. Along with session keyboardist Erik Björn Nielsen, this card quick recorded 1984's Macrocosm to significantly smaller herald (more so than the recent defections, the consensus was that it was simply rush) -- leave out in Japan, where hysteric response actually lED to 1985's Hibiya -- Live in Japan album. Unfortunately, internal problems would soon set in in one case again, and the Silver Mountain creditworthy for 1988's last gasp crusade, the disappointingly olive-drab AOR-dominated Roses and Champagne, contained up to now another set of new members in Johan Dahlstrom (vocals) and Kjell Gustavsson (drums). Silver Mountain folded presently thereafter, with Hansson keeping busy passim the 1990s as a onetime soundtrack composer and his own Jonas Hansson Band. Then, in 2001, all four-spot members of the group's "classic" Shakin' Brains distinct to reconvene, turn back the clock, and record the not-surprisingly titled Breakin' Chains LP for old time's rice beer. The book appears to take closed on Silver Mountain's calling following that release, however, but its assorted members still stay dynamic in a number of other musical projects, so you never live.