Saturday 14 June 2008

BIG BROTHER: Tension Arises Between Stephanie & Mario

It may be the early stages of Big Brother 9 but things are brewing nicely. The genius secret relationship swap looked like it would cause tension between Steph and Lisa, although it seems as though a big row will erupt between Steph and Mario instead.

The Pop Idol reject, who ‘married’ the 42-year old on Sunday, stubbornly refused to sing happy birthday to her husband earlier this week as he and real-life girlfriend Lisa came out of the diary room after Mario’s ‘tasteful’ birthday celebrations.

In addition to the blatant snub, on Wednesdays show Mario decided that everyone needed to have ‘a health and safety meeting’ to the bemusement of his fellow housemates.

Steph’s face dropped when Mario exclaimed: “Spend an hour with me and you will be fully trained in health and safety!”

The prospect of spending more time with her ‘husband’ than necessary is clearly taking its toll on poor Steph.